WALK PROGRAMME Jan 2007 - Jan 2008

7TH JANUARY 2007Cambus O'May44/37coach
4TH FEBRUARYClachen Yell (Glen Tanar )or Mortlich Hill depending on weather44minibus ( driver provided by us)
4TH MARCHGlen Nochty (from Lost !)37coach
1ST APRILThe Buck of Cabrach 724m41323437minibus
6TH MAYCarn Liath 862m /Culardoch 900m165977/19498943minibus
3RD JUNE Ben Vurich 903m (from Loch Moraig) 99770043minibus ( driver provided by us)
1ST JULYBeinn Mheadhoin 1182m A Walk; Inverey traverse B walk43 (A) 36 (B)cars (A) coach (B)
5TH AUGUSTWeekend Meet Ullapool TBAcars
2ND SEPTEMBERBen Bhrotain 1106m A walk; B Walk Hill of Wirran954923 (A); 523739 (B)43 (A) 44(B)cars (A) coach (B)
8/9 SEPTEMEBER Weekend meet guided TBA
7TH OCTOBERCooks Cairn 755m30227937coach
4TH NOVEMBERSturdy Hill 544m (cancelled last year due to snowstorms)59478044coach
2ND DECEMBERInver/Felagie Circular followed Christmas lunch and liquid refreshments! at The Inver 23493844 / 43coach
6TH JANUARY 2008Catherans to Edzellcoach


Mon 15 Jan Tap o' Noth (563m)The noticeable hill by Rhynie, with the flattened top of an Iron Age fort. Unreccied route, bring poles and sense of adventure. OS37
Mon 19 FebPressendye (619m)Above Tarland. Choice of circular (unreccied) route will depend on road conditions; hoping for sight of famous bunny. OS37
Mon 19 MarPeter's Hill, by Ballater (568m)17km, 326mA longish circular walk under Morven, mainly track and path.OS37
Mon 16 AprBrown Cow Hill (829m) NB Easter Monday21km, 580mThe hill with the views down both Dee and Don valleys - also includes visit to the source of the Don. Rough in places, and includes tarmac, sorry. OS36
Mon 21MayWater of Saughs13km, 600mFrom Pocket Mountain Guide book, this is a circuit above the Mearns lying between Glens Esk and Clova. Anyone with accurate and up-to-date bridge info, please contact me! OS44
Mon 18 JunBroad Cairn (998m)24km, 700mMunro for the year, and a big walk, some rough going.OS44
Mon 16 JulHill of Cat (742m)22km, 700mAnother big walk, though largely on good Glen Tanar track, with some offpath.OS44
Mon 20 AugBen Tirran, Glen Clova (870m)14km, 730mCircular route more or less on path, passing lochs Brandy and Wharral. OS44
Mon 24 SepAilnack Gorge17km, 400mThe route lies above the gorge, and includes a burn crossing.OS36
Mon 22 OctGeallaig Hill (743m)14km, 450m.A pleasant track walk near Ballater, with good views of Lochnagar across the valley. OS37
Mon 19 NovCarn Leac Saighdeir (699m) to Gairnshiel10km, 300mAn A-B from Don to Gairn, starting from General Wade's layby on A939. OS37
Mon 10 DecCairn William (448m)7km, 400mFor Xmas, a short attractive walk by Monymusk. OS37
OS numbers refer to the pink Landranger 1:50,000 series.